شركة شوتشو بونوفو للآلات والمعدات المحدودة

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ملحق مطرقة جاك

لا تضيع لحظة أبدًا عندما يكون لديك مهمة كبيرة لإكمالها. ملحقات للمقود الانزلاقي is where a jack hammer attachment would come in very handy. This is a tool you can hook up to one of those large machines called excavators, (a big heavy piece of equipment used for digging and trucking dirt). By possessing jack hammer attachment, it permits you to operate with much faster and also far more effective. بونوفو Group is a viable and powerful jack hammer attachment ideal for breaking concrete, rocks and so on. Okay, so you might not have ever broken up concrete or asphalt with just your bare hands and some rudimentary tools, but I bet you can imagine it would take forever and be really hard work to boot. Swinging a hammer day in and day out can take its toll. However, with a jack hammer attachment, it si so much easier to achieve this difficult task You can simply connect it to your excavator and it assists in breaking up the concrete into smaller sized pieces without even have to do all the heavy lifting! This will help you save hours of time and effort, as the end of which you can finish faster his work than previously.

ملحق مطرقة جاك متعدد الاستخدامات لأعمال الهدم الثقيلة.

في السابق، كان الملحق المصمم للطرق بالمطارق مفيدًا لكسر الخرسانة والإسفلت. علاوة على ذلك، يمكنك استخدامه أيضًا لأعمال الهدم الثقيلة الأخرى. مرفق دلو حفار tool can help you demolish walls, split boulders in half and more! Its varied enough to be able to use it for various activities. The jack hammer attachment is perfect for so many jobs, as well and بونوفو has definitely produced another solid tool for the trades.

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